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We’re here to answer any question you may have.
We’re here to answer any question you may have.
The delivery of our services will be sent to your email ID as provided at the time of registration. In the case of any difficulties with our services, do not hesitate to contact our helpdesk for further help. And please note we do not ship physical product, we only offer services. Delivery times may vary based on the service you bought and the shipping method selected during checkout.
If you want to cancel your order, please do so as soon as possible. Therefore, we can cancel your order and provide the refund as soon as possible.
Zebnex also provides enhancements if there is an issue with the service or if you are not content with the service.
In case you are dissatisfied with the service, we give a full refund.
It is advised to read the description of the item you want to order right to the end as this will guarantee you the best service.
If your product does not meet the description, please contact Zebnex Support with your order id and email id to enable us assist you.
There are no hidden charges and no extra handling charges are levied for the services. The payable amount is the same which has been told to you at the time of your checkout.
You have an option to log in and see the status of your order.
Ensure that you update your account information. This will enable us to offer you a better service and contact you in case of any problem arising to do with service and product.
Adding {{itemName}} to cart
Added {{itemName}} to cart